Potty training involves different smells and odors that can linger creating a less than desirable experience in your home. Whether it's poop or pee, we're making it easy for you to keep potty training smells under control: 1. Fan/window: Sometimes all your bathroom needs is air circulation. Your child may...
Potty training can be a time period of things going wrong but how about celebrating the things that are going well? When potty training gets stressful, it can be easy to miss the positive moments and little successes your kiddo is having. Here are three things you should celebrate if...
Potty training, as you may already know, requires a lot of energy and work to help children make the transition from diapers to regular underwear. Whether you're potty training a boy or a girl, a regular schedule helps since human beings tend to be creatures of habit. Here's simple schedule/game...
Potty training doesn't have to be ridiculously difficult and can be made even easier with the help of fun, nutritious snacks for your potty training kiddo. With proper nutrition, your child can take care of number one and number two with ease. Here are seven fun, healthy snacks you can...
Not everyone potty training a kiddo is potty training their own child. For some of you IllumiBowl fans, the kid you are potty training is your granddaughter or grandson. Potty training again after a few decades after potty training your own can be exhausting. Here are a few tips to ease...
Potty training your son does not need to be a fail. Here are three simple tips you can apply to your son's potty training regimen to help him make the transition from diapers to normal, regular underwear: Set the example: Your toddler son tends to notice differences in how the...
Having trouble training your child to use the bathroom? Psychological research shows, positive reinforcements are the best way to train a child to use the toilet, when nature calls. Punishing or shaming your child will mostly likely cause behavioral and psychological issues. Some of these issues may persist even when...
Potty training can be a messy experience since your child is learning a new skill. Learning how to take care of business only in the potty can take of bit of time but you can keep the learning experience clean and fresh with these three tips: Sanitizing wipes: This tip...
Potty training your kiddo can be messier than your love life* but it doesn't need to be. Here are three ways to keep potty training fun and productive: Incentives: Is your potty training child motivated by candy or toys? Does your potty training kid prefer time at the park? Figure out...