Incentives can be the difference maker in helping your child complete his/her potty training. Everyone has something or some activity that can motivate and lead to progress. Here are five incentives that will motivate your potty training child: 1. Playground time: Riding down a slide or climbing on the monkey...
As you know by now, wiping is a critical part of using the bathroom. Teaching your potty training child to wipe is a new skill your child needs to learn. Here are three ways to help your kiddo get in the habit wiping: 1. Wipe down the potty: After your...
It's no fun when you have to clean up after your child who struggles with bedwetting. Sometimes nightmares or forgetfulness can be the reason your kid still wets the bed at night. On the other hand, how do you clean up after your child who wet the bed? Here are...
Christmas is just around the corner! We're invested in your potty training success. Here are three perfect Christmas gifts for potty training children: Big kid undies Receiving new big kid underwear is a great way for your potty training child to stay motivated. Whether your kid loves fun colors or...
Just because it's winter time doesn't mean your potty training kid can take a break from making the transition to regular underwear. Here are three easy potty training tips to remember during winer time: Stay warm and hydrated Keeping warm may seem like a no-brainer but it's easy to forget....
Humor is a great way to help you keep your sanity when potty training your child. Here are a few jokes that'll keep you smiling while helping your child make the transition from diapers to regular underwear: Joke #1 Teacher asks Little Johnny to use the word 'definitely' in a...