Potty training your son does not need to be a fail. Here are three simple tips you can apply to your son's potty training regimen to help him make the transition from diapers to normal, regular underwear:
Set the example: Your toddler son tends to notice differences in how the bathroom is used by mom and dad. Use correct anatomical terminology when walking your son on how to take care of the number one and number two. Show your son how to stand in relation to the potty when urinating.
Schedule: Routines aren't too much of hassle when getting your son out of diapers is the end goal. Depending on how often you are with son (i.e preschool, daycare), you'll choose if your son will go straight to wearing normal underwear or switch between diapers and normal underwear. It's up to you to determine the pace. However, figure out when your son normally goes to the potty to know when you'll need to coach him the first few trips to the potty.
Sweet incentives: Don't be afraid to add extra motivation with fun incentives. An incentive can be stickers, a trip to the park or a piece of candy. An incentive is anything to reward your son for making progress when potty training. Every individual has a different motivator and sometimes though motivators change and evolve so don't be afraid to experiment with a new incentive like a fun toy.
Remember that your son is eager for your approval. Be patient and encouraging so you'll never have to buy diapers again!
As seen on ABC's Shark Tank, the IllumiBowl is a motion-activated toilet night light popular among potty training families and senior citizens. The IllumiBowl makes your toilet glow in order to make late night trips to the bathroom safe and easy. It's powered by three AAA batteries and attaches easily to any toilet seat. This popular product is toilet technology at its best. Who doesn't love a glowing toilet?