Shaving cream: An awesome bathroom cleaning hack

Shaving cream: An awesome bathroom cleaning hack
 You probably didn't know this, but shaving cream can be used for more than just getting rid of body hair. Shaving cream smells great and can be used in your bathroom cleaning. Here are three tips to put shaving cream to work for you: 1. Bathroom mirror defogger Apply shaving...

4 Natural deodorizers for your bathroom

4 Natural deodorizers for your bathroom
Baking soda, a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate, is a common household item you can easily put to work for you as a natural deodorizer. Along with onions and few other things that are all-natural and make your life a lot better. Read what you can use to make your bathroom smell better:...

Vomit: How to clean up after hangovers and unruly stomachs

Vomit: How to clean up after hangovers and unruly stomachs
It doesn't matter whether it's chunks of mango or chunks of chicken breasts on your bathroom tile floor. It doesn't matter if it's french fries or fresh salsa with cilantro. Vomit is still vomit. It's disgusting. However, there is hope when it comes to cleaning up puke. Here's how to...

3 Things in your bathroom you should clean more than once a year

3 Things in your bathroom you should clean more than once a year
Your bathroom is a special place. You enter dirty and leave clean. Chances are that you also leave a little lighter thanks to your porcelain throne. Unfortunately, there may be a few items in your bathroom you need to clean more often. Here are three things in your bathroom you...

3 Ways you can use Lemon to help you clean your bathroom

3 Ways you can use Lemon to help you clean your bathroom
Lemon is popular, powerful citrus with a wonderful scent and excellent cleaning properties. Its cleaning properties will help you accomplish your bathroom cleaning goals while ensuring that you limit the number of potentially harmful chemicals in your home.  Here are three ways you can use lemon to help you clean your...

10 Must-have items for bathroom cleaning

10 Must-have items for bathroom cleaning
Whether you're a new college student moving into your dorm or a newlywed couple shopping for home essentials, you'll need a to stock your bathroom at some point with mission critical cleaning supplies.  Here are 10 must-have items to be sure you have the equipment needed to clean your bathroom...

3 Cleaning mistakes you can easily avoid

3 Cleaning mistakes you can easily avoid
You have good intentions. So does everyone else when it comes to cleaning. However, we know good intentions sometimes end up with a few mishaps along the way.  Here are three mistakes you can easily avoid when cleaning your bathroom: 1. Not cleaning your toilet brush before returning it to...