Use dryer sheets to step up your bathroom game

Use dryer sheets to step up your bathroom game
Dryer sheets are a quick, easy way to step up your bathroom game. It doesn't matter whether your dryer sheets are made by Kirkland or Downy, you can still get the job done. Clean those baseboards Dusty baseboards can be hard to clean. Use a dryer sheet to wipe down...

Bathroom lighting styles to enhance your design

Bathroom lighting styles to enhance your design
The bathroom although often the smallest room in the home is probably the most multifunctional. It’s true, let’s just think about some of the things that go on in that communal, family space.The daily grooming routine is the first thing that I am sure would spring to everyone’s mind, makeup application, shaving...

5 DIY Bathroom books you need

5 DIY Bathroom books you need
Are you looking for ways to do your own plumbing or remodeling in your bathroom? We've compiled a list of five of the best selling books on Amazon Prime for your benefit. Here they are: 1. Design Ideas for Bathrooms by Ms. Susan Boyle Hillstrom With a 4 out of...

3 YouTubers who make cleaning easy

3 YouTubers who make cleaning easy
YouTube is a great resource for people who learn by example and demonstration. If this describes you, this blog post was written with you in mind. Here are three YouTubers who have created genius cleaning hacks to simplify life in your inner sanctum: 1. Household Hacker With more than 4 million...

You don't have to clean your bathroom in one day

You don't have to clean your bathroom in one day
Not everyone is able to clean their bathroom in one day. We've taken the liberty of creating a game plan of how to clean your bathroom over the span of a week. Here's the game plan: Sunday: Clean toilet tank Monday: Clean bathroom mirrors Tuesday: Wipe down bathroom countertops Wednesday:...

4 Ways you can put petroleum jelly to work for you

4 Ways you can put petroleum jelly to work for you
Petroleum jelly has a variety of practical uses when you're cleaning and maintaining your bathroom. Here are four ways you can put petroleum jelly to work for you: 1. Shower curtain not sliding smoothly If the shower rings holding up your shower curtain is not sliding smoothly, add a thin...

3 Easy ways you can use oranges in your bathroom

3 Easy ways you can use oranges in your bathroom
Oranges can do more than just being that you turn into pulp for the sake of having something to drink with your bacon and eggs in the morning. The round citrus fruit can be an effective cleaning tool in your bathroom cleaning arsenal. Here are three easy ways you can...

DIY cleaning wipes for your bathroom

DIY cleaning wipes for your bathroom
Have you ever made DIY cleaning wipes for your bathroom? This guide will prove how easy it is to make your own cleaning wipes while saving you money in the long run. Here's the process: Materials: 10 old, clean baby wash cloths 1 cup water 1 cup white vinegar 6-8...