How to make your bathroom kid-friendly

How to make your bathroom kid-friendly
Making your bathroom kid-friendly is a worthwhile pursuit. It'll help you save money in the long run and help your kids be safe. Your kids will be more comfortable and be more efficient as you follow these tips to make your bathroom kid-friendly: No kid gets stranded: One of the...

5 Easy bathroom hacks that you'll enjoy

5 Easy bathroom hacks that you'll enjoy
Let's be honest. You spend a great deal of time in your bathroom everyday from brushing your teeth to sitting on the pooper. It doesn't matter if you're taking a shower or getting something from the medicine cabinet, your bathroom is a major part of your day. Here are five...

Awesome bathroom products that will change your bathroom experience

Awesome bathroom products that will change your bathroom experience
Everyone takes care of business in the bathroom throughout the course of the day. Pooping, peeing and showering are just a few of the different bathroom activities that take place in the inner sanctum. Here are three different products that will change your bathroom experience if you don't already have them:...

Don't be afraid to replace these 3 things

Don't be afraid to replace these 3 things
Bathroom items get super nasty over time and need to be replaced. It comes with the nature and usage of bathroom items. Here are three items you'll need to replace: Toilet brush: If you're not cleaning your toilet bowl at least once week, it's time to get started. The frequent...

Three easy ways to benefit from baking soda in your bathroom

Three easy ways to benefit from baking soda in your bathroom
Baking soda tends to be one of the most underrated tools in anyone's bathroom cleaning arsenal. Its low cost and overall effectiveness makes it valuable to anyone who uses it. Here are three ways to benefit from using baking soda in your bathroom: 1. Tub scrubber: Baking soda is a key...

4 tips to make your bathroom enjoyable

4 tips to make your bathroom enjoyable
While you may not spend as much time in your bathroom as you do in your bedroom, it's important to take time to make your bathroom enjoyable. Using your bathroom whether it's to sit on the porcelain throne or to shower, you don't have to be miserable. Here are five...

How citrus fruits can help you keep your bathroom fresh

How citrus fruits can help you keep your bathroom fresh
Oranges and other citrus fruits can transform your bathroom from a smelly place to do your business to a fresh, clean place to smoothly do what you need to in your bathroom. Here are a few ways you can you can harness to power of citrus fruits in your bathroom:...

Get rid of bathroom mold

Get rid of bathroom mold
The weather is warming up creating more opportunities for mold to multiply in your bathroom. Mold can get nasty. Here are a bunch of tips on how to prevent mold from taking over your bathroom: Prevent: You've probably heard of the saying, "Prevention is better than a cure." Although the...