Prepping your potty training kid for summer vacation

Prepping your potty training kid for summer vacation
School is out for the summer which means summer vacations are a go. If you're traveling with a potty training child, you need to be prepared since your kid is learning to make the transition from diapers to regular underwear. Here is how to prep for taking on summer vacation...

Potty training jokes that'll brighten your day

Potty training jokes that'll brighten your day
Potty training your child can be a stressful experience when you are struggling with communication or child isn't interested in progressing. Here are a few jokes to brighten your day and help you put your potty training struggles in perspective: For every child's potty sold, there's an adult who uses...

Avoiding constipation during the holiday season

Avoiding constipation during the holiday season
Dealing constipation during the holiday season can be a real struggle for your potty training child since he/she will be around foods not normally served during other times of the year. Here are three tips to help your child avoid constipation during the holiday season: Stay hydrated This seems so...

How to prepare your potty training child for holiday parties

How to prepare your potty training child for holiday parties
Holiday parties will be starting as you may have guessed. While these parties can be fun for you, holiday parties may be stressful for your potty training child making the transition from diapers to big kid underwear. Here are four ways to prepare your potty training child for holiday parties:...

How to manage the stress of potty training your child

How to manage the stress of potty training your child
Stress, whether you acknowledge it or not, exists and we know that parents who are potty training their kids often experience stress. Helping your kid make the transition from diapers to regular underwear takes time, work and patience. Here are five ways you can manage your stress when helping potty...

What to do after a successful potty trip

What to do after a successful potty trip
So your kid was able to take care of business after a pee or poop trip. Now what? Here are three things your kid needs to do after successfully completing a potty trip: 1. Flush the toilet Always teach your kid to flush the toilet after taking care of number one...

3 All-natural ingredients to have for potty training accidents

3 All-natural ingredients to have for potty training accidents
Accidents happen when potty training so we want to help you be prepared with three key all-natural ingredients. Not only does white vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice are safe cleaning options for your kids, they will help your home smell better. Here are the three ingredients and how you...